Sunday, March 01, 2009

Cabin Boys

cabin boys 2009
While these boys (Anthony. Stephen. Andrew. Josh. Scott. Kurt.) got together this past weekend and did their boy thing at Raccoon Ranch all weekend, this momma and her kiddos drove up to hang out with us so we could do our momma thing together. It was a crazy weekend at our house, but we had a bunch of fun. Huntleigh loves to play with Karsten and Katelyn and Lucy and Maren are becoming friends.
feeding frenzy
Hannah and Zach brought us scones from Kaldi's and the kids went crazy for them. Here's Hannah feeding the masses of hungry children.
Huntleigh and Katelyn in their little chef's hats.

1 comment:

rbt said...

that is such a great picture of those "cabin guys". Wish we'd all have been there!