This little chair was the best purchase ever. I got the last one at the store for a great price because it was the floor model. So exciting.
This blue cabinet was my other favorite purchase for the girls' room. I wanted a piece that would stand out because of its color. It's actually a Chinese wedding cabinet.
The "big girl bed" awaiting to be slept in. Huntleigh likes to play on it for now.
This is a picture of Josh's paternal grandmother holding his father very soon after he was born. And that picture of Josh is from when he lived in Alabama when he was little. He is sitting on his little John Deere tractor.
This is the cradle my dad built Huntleigh for her birthday. I had it painted by an extremely talented woman who does remarkable work.
Wow... it looks awesome!
Sarah, what a great idea to get all different styles of letters instead of having them all look the same! It looks great!
Sarah, the girls' room looks amazing. How fun. I absolutely LOve the abc's on the wall...i'm almost obsessed with decorating with abc's for the's just so cute. You've really done a great job. Can't wait to see it all in person....we'll be there soon! love ya!
wait, do we know baby girl's name? i feel like you might have posted it...but can't remember. I see the "L" on the pillow....
i LOVE the abc's and the entire room. please come to south carolina and HELP me!!!!! hope you are well. you make such a beautiful pregnant person. can't wait to see the new babe.
Hey Sarah,
Darling darling room for the girls. You are so creative. Love what Alma did for the cradle...she is so talented.
Would love to get together soon for Sabrina and Huntleight to play.
I would do trading Spaces with you any day! Love love love the room! Very baby chic. Praying for the Baby L, and the rest of you all. God's Love.
SO SO SO CUTE!!!I LOVE the Abc's....just too cute. I hope you are feeling well, not much longer now.
Too cute!!!!! Can't wait to babysitt and see it all in person! Wow! Hug the Hunts for me!
love ya
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