Saturday, June 27, 2009

dim sum

So on our way to the airport to return to the mainland, we stopped for dim sum at the Ala Moana Hotel. Josh and I haven't had dim sum together since we lived in Hong Kong and it was such a treat for us to share it with Huntleigh and Katie. We ordered a bit much for only four eaters (since I don't consider my child who eats goldfish only an eater), but it was fun, nonetheless, and a great greasy treat to have right before we got on an eight-hour plane ride back to Chicago. Yum, yum dim sum.

dim sum

Hunts, with her Chinese tea
jasmine tea

Lucy, with chop stick in hand and a raisin in her mouth. A raisin is not considered dim sum, if you just weren't sure about that.
lil' chop stick

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