So I'm just doing a bit of retro-blogging. It's actually been great to see that we have done a bunch of fun things in spite of an "un-fun" 20 weeks of pregnancy. Some days felt like they were never going to end and yet the weeks have seemingly gone by quite quickly. Anyway, we took an early summer vacation to Florida in May. In spite of feeling sick most of the time, it was such a perfect family time. We had an excellent low key trip. And we love being silly as a family.

Lucy fighting off the crab. She won.

We came back to a few busy weeks at the end of school. Huntleigh's JK class did this incredible art unit and had an art "gala" at the end of all their studies. We went out for a fancy dinner beforehand and then she presented her art to us as the docent in their "art museum." Such a fun evening.

Pop and B came to join her at her art display. Here they are in front of the Monet display.

And Huntleigh with her loving and nurturing JK teachers, Mrs. Burzinski on the right and Mrs. Harvey on the left. We love our school!

Lucy had an end of year gymnastic presentation which was AWESOME! I was just crying all over the place. She could not have been cuter or more proud of herself and I just love watching Lucy do something that is a special thing just for her.

Just look at her sweet face! I love it! Here she is presenting at the end of her jump.

And balance-beaming it. She rocked the balance beam and then had a little melt down after this presentation. She got a little trophy and was so proud of it, she slept with it in her bed for a few nights. Too cute.

She got a little slurpee reward after all was said and done.

Hello from Southern Illinois--Sarah i am up due to allergy &/or sinus congestion BUT thanks to you're blogging i can ENJOY looking at you & your beautiful family-thanks for blogging, even if it put you behind a momemt or two!! I love seeing the girls grow up on screen. Wish i could get up there but my back (disk) problems just do not let me get to far away from home. the 4 and 1/2 of you are just a JOY to watch. GOD is good and has blessed you and Josh with ea other and the 2.5 girls. any thots on new sweeties name as yet?? i think back to the little girl in Carterville often when i look at your girls and remember the fun we had both there and when i would come to Mundelein after the move. You were about Lucy's age i think when your folks went back to chicago area.
WHOA=i am so OLD and today i feel it.
love to all, kiss your girls for me and hi to Josh and Your Mom & Dad.
GOD is good and continues to care for me also. have moved to Cambria with a Carterville adderess. tell Mom i will email her with address soon love you my Dear linn
Lu looks a little sunburned in the crab picture... obviously your favorite babysitter was not there to constantly slather her in sunscreen:)
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