Wednesday, May 14, 2008

international appeal

We arrived in Dubai at about 7.30 pm here and the city was already dark, but that was probably a good thing, seeing at it was still in the low 100's. Hot, but not humid. It is the desert, after all. Dubai is quite lenient about letting Americans come to visit, because we didn't even fill out a single piece of paper work to enter the country. We spent the evening with Edward and Anita, long-standing friends of the Hagers, who treated us to this amazing Lebanese meal, including the belly dancer and hookah. Lucy just continued to be a trooper and was mesmerized by the belly dancing.

Sights, sounds, smells of the day:

the Tex-Mex restaurant sign "Livin' La Vida Loca" (globalization or what?!)
the babaganoush
the sweet taste of the hookah
Lucy's quiet cooing and kicking at 4 am as we were all jet-lagging
the call of the Moslems to pray
my 5 am Snickers from the mini bar


littlestreetfighter's Mom said...

OH MY!! I'm traveling vicariously through you. Sooo fun!

Jenna said...

hey sa-ba-ha,
(i never called you that, but it works!) I saw your blog months ago (just after you had your second). And just came back. Your girls are beautiful! Have a safe trip!